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How to remove tartar from teeth naturally

remove tartar

Woman Teeth Before and After Whitening. Over white background. Happy smiling woman. Dental health Concept. Oral Care.

Good dental hygiene and the consumption of certain foods, such as apples, tomatoes, and strawberries, can help prevent tartar from appearing on teeth.

Tartar, also called tartar or dental calculus, is the hardening of the bacterial plaque due to mineral deposits.

This generally causes teeth to look unattractive, with yellowish or brown discoloration, and at the border between gums and teeth, the residue may be even darker in color. Therefore, it is perceived as a kind of ‘scab’ over the said area.

What do you need to know about tartar?

To the touch, tartar is rough and, beyond being an aesthetic problem, it can lead to the appearance of other health problems. Tartar, when interacting with certain foods (such as sweets, cola, and fried foods) gives off an acid that can cause cavities.

On the other hand, certain habits such as smoking, alcoholism, and excessive consumption of coffee can promote the appearance of tartar. There may also be some genetic predisposition to tartar production.

Home remedies for tooth tartar

In addition to maintaining good dental hygiene habits, it is important to visit the dentist regularly for deep cleaning. Now, you can also take advantage of the benefits of certain home remedies to avoid excess tartar on your teeth.

Sodium bicarbonate

Many people use baking soda mixed with lemon or salt to reinforce their dental hygiene and keep the color of their teeth clear, given the properties of these ingredients. It is recommended to mix also with a little water since the flavor can be somewhat strong. Be careful with its use because it can damage the enamel.




It is another of the dental whiteners par excellence, in addition, this citrus fruit has antibacterial properties that come in handy when it comes to fighting tartar.

After using it, rinse well so that the next day, in contact with the sun, there are no spots on the skin around the mouth.

Lemon acid in turn could damage or weaken the teeth; therefore, you should use this recipe at most once a week.




This substance, so common in homes, also serves to clarify teeth and eliminate tartar. You can use this home remedy up to three times a week, always as a rinse, after routine brushing.



Sesame seeds

These seeds are ideal for removing the accumulated dirt from the teeth. It is only necessary to take a tablespoon of them and chew them slowly for one or two minutes. Then they are spit out and, with the help of a previously moistened toothbrush, the teeth are massaged. Finally, it is rinsed with water.


This aromatic herb that is used in many recipes for flavoring can also help fight tartar buildup on the gums. One of the simplest remedies is as follows:



Fruits to remove tartar from teeth

Some of them have the ability to whiten our teeth and remove long-standing tartar. For this method to work, you must consume them raw and bite them (not cut them with a knife).

Apple, melon, and strawberries are three perfect alternatives for healthy gums, avoiding food buildup, and preventing bleeding from brushing. It should be noted that the apple must be eaten with its peel to achieve the desired effect.

Both strawberries and tomatoes can be used simply by cutting them into slices and rubbing them directly on the teeth before each meal.

Another homemade way to combat tartar is to rub the inside of the peel of certain fruits (orange and banana) against the teeth for about 2-3 minutes before and after eating. So, you know, don’t throw them away and take advantage of them to take care of your teeth!

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