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Natural Treatment and Home Remedies for Osteoporosis

how to treat osteoporosis

Anorexia. Belly fat. Stooped posture. Do you know what all these poor health indicators have in common?

We have one word for you: Osteoporosis.

Literally translated, osteoporosis means porous bones. It’s a health condition that causes the bones to become weak, brittle, and thin. Typically, women are 4X at greater risk than men when it comes to developing osteoporosis.

Moreover, it is seen that this issue becomes prevalent in women post-menopause since the bone-loss preventing “estrogen” hormones reduce in the woman’s body. In rare cases, the early onset of osteoporosis may occur following surgery or treatment that ends up destroying the ovaries.

In terms of the first signs and symptoms, broken bones, or fractures that occur due to routine tasks, such as walking, standing, or even sneezing, are the first indicators of osteoporosis.

These fractures are typically seen at the wrist, hip, or spine. In fact, the National Osteoporosis Foundation claims that by 2025(1), the number of fractures due to osteoporosis will reach more than three million!

Considering how common it has become, research paints a different picture. Studies(2) suggest that osteoporosis is greatly under-diagnosed and under-treated in Asia.

However, there’s no reason why you should be on the ‘suffering’ end of this silent disease. Simply taking precautions like getting a bone mineral density (BMD) test, exercising regularly, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and addressing the root-cause as naturally and holistically as possible can help treat this disease.

To get you started on your healing journey, we’ve got your back (pun not intended). Here are helpful tips on how to treat osteoporosis in addition to understanding natural remedies for osteoporosis that you can try.

Table of Contents

Did You Know?

The World Health Organization(3) defines osteoporosis as an adult having a bone mineral density(4) (BMD) T-score of −2.5 or lower. This transforms into a case of severe osteoporosis when there’s a presence of one or more fragility fractures in addition to the T-score of -2.5. Bone density is the study of measuring the amount of calcium and other minerals in your bones.

Common Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

  1. Essential Oils
  2. Foods
  3. Home Remedies
  4. Alternative Treatment
  5. Herbs
  6. Supplements

CURE 1: Essential Oils

Where there’s any kind of pain, rest assured there’s a counter essential oil that’s effective in reducing inflammation and body ache. Why?

Because essential oils come power-packed with pain-relieving, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties.

For osteoporosis too, essential oils offer three-fold benefits: boost bone strength and increase bone density, aid in bone repair, and tackle pain-related to this disease.

Important: Essential oils are highly concentrated in nature, so it is essential to dilute them in a carrier oil (coconut, olive, etc.) and to conduct a skin patch test for any unknown allergies or reactions. To that end, here are top-4 essential oils you can try and give your body a break from the incessant pain

1. CBD Oil for Osteoporosis


Why does this work?

CBD oil is a God-send for broken bones that occur due to osteoporosis. It helps to promote bone health and ease chronic pain as it supports the body in producing endocannabinoids naturally. These compounds ensure that your bones are healthy and strong.

How to use and how much to use?

CBD oils are available in various forms such as thick paste, oil, capsules, drops, vapor, etc. Please consult your doctor to understand the recommended dose for CBD oil, basis the symptoms you’re facing or need help for.

2. Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oil Blend

Why does this work?

This blend offers pain-relieving properties and aids in reducing pain related to osteoporosis.

How to use and how much to use?

You can mix the same amount of peppermint and eucalyptus oils with three spoons of coconut oil and massage gently on the affected body part.

3. WinterGreen Oil

Image: ShutterStock

Why does this work?

WinterGreen oil offers analgesic and relaxing properties, making it a preferred choice for treating bone and joint disorders. Plus, it reduces bone fragility as it is rich in two healing compounds: salicylate and salicylic acid.

How to use and how much to use?

You can mix 2-3 drops of this oil in a carrier oil (coconut) and apply topically thrice a day for relief from the pain.

4. Rosemary/Thyme/Sage Oil

Why does this work?

Research(5) suggests that these oils prevent bone loss and resorption.

How to use and how much to use?

You can consume 1-2 drops of 100% Rosemary/Thyme/Sage oil in a glass of warm water. Stir well and consume once daily. Conversely, you can also mix 2-3 drops of any of these oils in a carrier oil (coconut, olive, etc.) and apply topically thrice a day for lasting relief.

CURE 2: Foods

Did you know that by the age of 30, your bones are at their strongest form throughout its lifecycle? Unknown to many, a key factor in developing strong bone mass is by consuming a nutrient-dense diet.

So if you’re constantly on the lookout for a rock-solid diet for osteoporosis, an alkaline diet works best as it balances the mineral ratios for achieving strong bones, boosts hormone production, and aids in vitamin D absorption.

An alkaline diet is one that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed plant-based protein sources of food, such as green vegetables, fresh herbs, spices among others.

Here’s a low-down of osteoporosis-friendly and healing foods that are rich in protein as well as essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. that contribute to a healthy and strong bone structure.

1. Yogurt, Milk (Dairy Products)


Why does it work?

Dairy foods such as yogurt, milk, cheese, etc. contain a complex source of essential nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D. It is these nutrients that collectively help in maintaining your bone health and density.

According to a recent Irish study, one cup of yogurt could help lower the risk of osteoporosis, making it one of the most easily available protein-rich foods that offer multiple bone-building benefits.

All in all, it is safe to say that probiotics do support bone health as they inhibit inflammation in the body. Plus, research(6) claims that consuming milk also contributes to a higher mineral bone density.

As a handy tip, milk should be supplemented with vitamin K2 (MK7) for processing calcium properly in the body.

How to use and how much to use?

Just consuming one serving of yogurt a day can provide the required dietary intake. Or, you can drink a glass of milk in the morning or evening.

If you don’t like the taste of plain milk, you can increase your milk intake by replacing milk with water to mix up hot cereals, hot chocolate, and soups.

2. Fish Varieties (Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna, Sardines, etc.)

Why does it work?

Fatty fish varieties, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, etc. contain bone-boosting nutrients, such as vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption and omega-3 fatty acids which promote bone health and reduce inflammation, thereby help in tackling osteoporosis head-on.

How to use and how much to use?

It is seen that just 3 ounces of canned salmon contain 197 milligrams of calcium. You can cook mouth-watering dishes using different fish varieties each week and get your daily dose of vitamin D as well – kill two birds with one stone, right?

3. Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Okra (Dark Green Leafy Vegetables)


Why does it work?

Did you know that one cup of cooked turnip greens contains 200 milligrams of calcium? Dark green leafy vegetables, such as bok choy, Chinese cabbage, kale, etc. are rich in calcium and vitamin K, both vitamins that are extremely useful in treating osteoporosis.

In fact, studies(7) suggest that increased intake of green and yellow vegetables leads to increased bone mineralization during childhood and greater maintenance of bone mass in adults.

How to use and how much to use?

While green leafy vegetables are extensively used in Chinese and Thai cuisines, there are hundreds of recipes available online for you to choose from. You can eat it as a soup, as steam vegetables, or cook curry out of it.

According to Harvard Health(8), “Getting one or more servings a day of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dark green lettuce, etc. should be enough to meet the daily recommended target of 120 micrograms per day for men and 90 micrograms per day for women.”

4. Beans and Legumes

Why does it work?

Beans and legumes are rich in vital nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, and fiber.

How to use and how much to use?

Beans contain substances called phytates that can hinder the body’s ability to absorb calcium. So, ideally, you should soak the beans in water for a few hours and then cook it in freshwater.

5. Vegetables and Citrus Fruits (Foods rich in vitamin C)

Why does it work?

It is seen that consuming a diet that’s high on vegetables creates healthy bones during childhood and protects bone mass in adults. Vitamin C boosts the production of bone-forming cells in the body as well as increases bone mineral density. That’s not all. 

Research(9) also suggests that this essential vitamin can protect the bones from further damage, owing to its antioxidant properties.

Take, for example, a study(10) by the Medical University of South Carolina which states that women over 50 who consumed onions frequently had a 20% lower risk of osteoporosis!

How to use and how much to use?

Most vegetables like cabbage, parsley, etc. and citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, etc.) are rich in vitamin C and contain bone-protective antioxidants that can significantly reduce bone turnover. In fact, one pink or red grapefruit contains 91 milligrams of vitamin C and an orange about 83 milligrams for a day’s quota of this essential nutrient!

Did You Know?

“Worldwide, osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million(11) fractures annually, resulting in an osteoporotic fracture every 3 seconds!”

CURE 3: Home Remedies

Home remedies are a natural, pain-free, and cost-effective way to address the root cause of health problems, or in this case, osteoporosis. While a severe case of osteoporosis may need medical attention, these remedies listed below work well for initial stages of osteoporosis.

1. ACV and Water


Why does it work?

Studies(12) claim that apple cider vinegar contains vital nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are extremely beneficial for maintaining your bone health.

How often to undergo treatment?

You’ll need two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and a cup of warm water. Simply mix the raw apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and drink the mixture. You can consume this once daily.

2. Triphala Powder and Water

Why does it work?

Triphala is a three-ingredient Ayurvedic herb comprising of myrobalan, bahera, and amla. Studies(13) claim it assists in enhancing bone density and preventing cartilage degradation.

How often to undergo this treatment?

Take ½ teaspoon of Triphala powder and a glass of hot water. Mix the powder thoroughly and drink it. Ideally, you should drink it once every day.

3. Dandelion Tea


Why does it work?

Dandelion tea helps in releasing calcium(14) in the body, making it a perfect home remedy for osteoporosis.

How often should you do it?

You can add two teaspoons of dandelion tea extract to a cup of hot water. Then, bring it to a boil and let it simmer for at least 5 to 8 minutes. Finally, strain the mixture and drink it. You can consume this tea 2-3 times a day.

4. Sesame Seeds

Why does it work?

Sesame seeds are calcium-rich and abundant in phosphorus. In recent research(15), supplementing animals with sesame oil prevented bone loss.

How to do it and how often should you do it?

You can take one tablespoon of sesame oil and add it to your favorite food items such as salads, soups, vegetable curries, etc. Additionally, you can consume roasted sesame seeds once every day for added benefits.

5. Amla Powder


Why does it work?

Studies(16) claim that amla (Indian Gooseberry) boosts calcium absorption in the body, and hence, improves your bone density.

How to do it and how often should you do it?

You can extract the juice of one amla. Either, consume it as is or mix it in your vegetable juice and have it once daily.

CURE 4: Alternative Treatment

Given the high rates of people getting affected by osteoporosis, it’s only natural to wonder: “Is osteoporosis hereditary?” And the answer is yes and no.

While in some cases, genetic factors do play a role in bringing about this health condition, in most cases, poor lifestyle and dietary choices are to blame. In fact, research claims that “Genes can be changed by how you live your life, and especially, how you deal with stress!”

In addition to stress management, there are natural, alternative treatments and exercises that are available at your disposal to help tackle the problems posed by osteoporosis.

Important: Please consult your doctor before engaging in any kind of physical exercise so that you’re on the right track to healing and not further hurting yourself. Some alternative treatments that you can try include (but are not limited to):

1. Exercises

Research(17) claims that bone mineral density in postmenopausal women can be maintained or increased with therapeutic exercise. Simply put, engaging in strength training, resistance training, and weight training exercises early on can completely change the osteoporosis odds in your favor.

Research(18) claims that weight-bearing or high-impact exercises aid in bone formation, prevent bone loss in adults, boost bone mineral density and bone strength, and lower bone turnover as well as reduce inflammation.

Some examples of strength exercises include squats, dumbbell presses, dips, push-ups, deadlifts, etc. Ideally, you should engage in strength training exercises at least three times a week, for around 30 minutes under the supervision of a personal trainer if you’re an absolute beginner. Please consult an expert and then create your workout plan.

2. Yoga


Yoga is considered to be a ‘work in’ and not a workout. This is exactly why it can prove to be extremely useful for people with osteoporosis and low bone density as both these conditions can’t be seen from the outside but end up creating a lot of damage on the inside.

A study(19) conducted in 2009 claimed that doing yoga consistently and correctly helped in building bone mineral density post-menopause. Plus, yoga aids in increasing one’s flexibility and contributes to better coordination, thereby reducing the risk of fractures and falls.

That said, please seek expert help to understand which yoga poses to do and which ones to avoid if you suffer from osteoporosis. For reference sake, Harvard Health lists some yoga poses that can help in osteoporosis such as:

Each pose is done 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second pause.

3. Pilates

Pilates can be a tricky exercise for osteoporosis as it is known to strain the spine, however, the right kind of modified Pilates exercises can help increase bone density as well as muscle mass, strengthen and tone your core, and improve your posture and balance.

All these, in turn, can help keep the bones aligned and prevent painful muscle spasms in the back. It is highly recommended that you consult an expert and move to understand the routine that best fits your body’s needs.

In fact, according to Rebekah Rotstein, a renowned Pilates instructor “Three-quarters of the exercises in traditional Pilates need to be modified for someone with osteoporosis. The traditional Pilates mat class is not advisable.”

4. Tai Chi


Studies(20) claim that tai-chi performing adults experience a 47 percent decrease in falls and 25 percent lower hip fractures than the non-Tai-Chi performing adults. But what is Tai Chi? In essence, this ancient Chinese practice involves a series of graceful body postures that allow for smooth transitioning, combine balance and weight training exercises, and include meditation and deep breathing in the overall experience.

All these efforts help boost one’s immune system as well as promote overall health and wellness, particularly in the elderly. That’s not all. It also enhances muscle strength, improves coordination, and lowers muscle/joint pain and stiffness. However, care must be taken to engage in a supervised Tai Chi routine to prevent falls and create further damage.

5. Massage

Swedish, Thai, Traditional, Therapeutic, Shiatsu, Reflexology, and the list goes on and on. It is now common knowledge that healing therapies, such as massage and acupuncture, can reduce stress and alleviate osteoporosis symptoms by relaxing the muscles and eliminating any associated pain.

Numerous massage techniques, such as stroking, pressing, kneading, and skin warming of the muscles can help reduce muscle tension, anxiety, and stress. Plus, massage is known to release endorphins and break up pain signals to the brain, making the entire experience extremely relaxing.

In fact, a study(21) claimed that engaging in the traditional Thai massage boosted bone formation in women experiencing postmenopausal symptoms. To that end, please go to a certified massage therapist and take extreme care in explaining your existing condition before you get a massage. Consulting a doctor is also of prime importance.

Did You Know?

“It is projected that more than about 50%(22) of all osteoporotic hip fractures will occur in Asia by the year 2050.”

CURE 5: Herbs

Often times, people view herbs and their effectiveness for osteoporosis with a skeptical lens. However, numerous people still prefer going the all-natural route instead of experimenting with aggressive drugs and medication and experience great success. Here are top-3 herbs that have proven to be effective in treating osteoporosis, reducing bone loss, and correcting its related symptoms.

1. Black Cohosh


Why does it work?

Black Cohosh contains phytoestrogens or simply, estrogen-like substances that can reduce bone loss. In fact, a study conducted in 2008(23) showed that this herb helped in bone formation in mice.

How to use and how much to use?

Please consult your doctor before consuming this herb as unsupervised use may have potentially serious side effects.

2. Red Clover

Why does it work?

By now, we know that estrogen helps to protect the bone. This is where Red Clover can help as it contains estrogen-rich compounds that can protect the bone and slow down bone loss.

How to use and how much to use?

Please consult your doctor before consuming this herb as Red Clover can interfere with other medications that you may be on. They will suggest the correct dosage for you.

3. Horsetail


Why does it work?

Horsetail has long been considered a useful medicinal herb. It contains silicon which aids in bone regeneration and reduces bone loss to a great extent.

How to use and how much to use?

You can consume horsetail in a variety of forms, such as tea, tincture, or herbal compress. However, please note that this herb can have negative side effects if taken with alcohol, nicotine patches, and diuretics. Plus, it is extremely important that you keep yourself hydrated when using it. Ideally, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before consuming this herb in any form.

CURE 6: Supplements

Get this: In the first 5-7 years post-menopause, you can lose up to 20 percent(24) of bone mass. While that is a scary statistic, there’s plenty of “supplemental” help available, if you know to look in the right places. Moving on, let’s address the primary concern you may have with regards to vitamins and supplements: “Is osteoporosis curable with supplements?.”

The answer is yes. Regular intake of vitamins and minerals ensures that key nutrients get absorbed into the body, which can keep your bones strong and healthy. So let’s look at the most effective vitamins for osteoporosis that you can stock up and keep it handy when the pain becomes unbearable:

1. Vitamin D

Did you know vitamin D deficiency affects over 1 billion(25) people, globally?

Why does it work?

If you don’t have enough vitamin D in your body, your body won’t absorb calcium, the bone-forming supplement your body needs. Plus, vitamin D is known to promote the metabolism of calcium in the body as well as regulate the synthesis of calcium-binding proteins in the intestines.

How to use and how much to use?

Vitamin D, or the “sunshine vitamin,” is readily and freely available to us! All you have to do is spend around 20 minutes outdoors daily. Ensure that your bare skin gets exposed to sunlight. Additionally, you can try vitamin D supplements or eat food that’s rich in this nutrient such as seafood, egg yolk, wild mushrooms, etc. In terms of the recommended dosage, adults who are 50+ should take between 800-1,000 international units of vitamin D a day.

2. Calcium


Why does it work?

The Endocrine Society(26) recommends that you take calcium on a regular basis if you’re suffering from osteoporosis as calcium is considered to be the center of bone formation.

How to use and how much to use?

Your body needs a daily intake of 900mg of calcium. So you can either include calcium-rich foods in your diet, which is one of the best ways in which the body absorbs calcium. Calcium-rich foods include dairy food (milk, yogurt, ghee, cheese, etc.). Or, you can take calcium supplements that are readily available in the market. Opt for calcium citrate as it is best absorbed in the body. However, remember that your body cannot absorb more than 500mg of calcium at one go, so it is advised that you break the intake into divided doses.

3. Magnesium

Why does it work?

Magnesium and calcium are the dual pillars that work towards promoting a healthy bone structure.

How to use and how much to use?

Magnesium can be consumed in the supplement or food forms. Magnesium-rich foods include whole-grain bread, nuts, and green, leafy vegetables. The recommended dose for magnesium is 300-500 mg per day. Note that magnesium is typically present in multivitamins or can be taken as an individual supplement. If you suffer from an upset stomach or diarrhea, cut back on your magnesium intake or consult your doctor.

4. Boron

Why does it work?

Much like other supplements mentioned on this list, boron works towards activating important vitamins and minerals that support healthy bone formation.

How to use and how much to use?

Since boron is a trace element, you only need around 3 and 5 mg of boron a day to combat osteoporosis. Luckily, it is found in fruits like apples, grapes, nuts, peaches, and pears. If you wish to go the supplement route, please consult your doctor and keep an eye out for perceived side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, among other things.

5. Vitamin K

Why does it work?

Vitamin K is the “binding” supplement that binds calcium to your bones.

How to use and how much to use?

The ideal dose for vitamin K is 90-120 micrograms(27) per day. Please consult your doctor before self-prescribing this supplement as consuming it in excess can lead to additional health problems. Plus, its consumption can interfere with blood-thinning medicines, hence better to consult a doctor just as a precautionary measure.

Dos & Don’ts for Osteoporosis

Dos & Don’ts Maintain a stable body weight to preserve bone density, especially as you start aging. Don’t go for a low-calorie diet as it can reduce bone density. Aim for a balanced diet comprising of at least 1,200 calories a day to preserve bone health.

Balance your protein intake with mineral intake. Opt for eating high-quality clean proteins that offer a daily allowance of 0.8 grams to 1.0 grams/kg/day for every adult. Protein sources include grass-fed meat, yogurt, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, fermented cheese, etc.

Don’t consume a high protein diet as it can become overly acidic, whereas a low-protein diet impairs bone health. The trick lies in balancing the protein intake.

Opt for walking and high-impact weight-bearing exercises such as dancing, aerobics, hiking, walking, tennis, stair climbing, etc.

Don’t go for exercises that require you to jump a lot, bend forward from the waist, or engage in any kind of spine twisting. Encourage older people to use a walker/cane to prevent falls and cause fractures. Don’t rush and walk/situp/lie down in a hurry which can greatly increase the risk of falling and hurting yourself.

Stick to moderate alcohol intake (3-6 drinks per week) as studies(28) show that moderate alcohol intake can help the body to retain calcium and prevent osteoporosis by raising estrogen levels. Don’t drink too much alcohol, caffeine, and sugary beverages as it may boost inflammation and hence, may lead to leached calcium from the bones.

Do consume dairy and choose calcium-fortified foods on a daily basis as they’re the biggest sources of calcium. Don’t consume a lot of sodium and red meat as it may result in bone loss. Do consult your doctor when trying alternative treatments such as massage, acupuncture, yoga, pilates, etc.

Don’t smoke at all, or it can worsen the condition further. Do spend at least 20 minutes outdoors to get your daily dose of vitamin D and keep your mood upbeat. Don’t stay indoors all day long, as being cooped up can affect your mood negatively.

Did You Know?

According to a Danish study, high-stressed participants had a 68% increased risk of hip fracture and a 37% increased risk of any osteoporotic fracture.


1. Is there a cure for Osteoporosis?

There’s no cure for osteoporosis, but dedicated treatment can help prevent fractures, protect and strengthen your bones, and keep the symptoms at bay. Multiple lifestyle changes, continuous exercise, as well as dietary and supplement support, can help in tackling this disease.

2. What to do for Osteoporosis?

There are a number of alternative treatments you can try and lifestyle changes you can make to counteract the negative effects of osteoporosis and reduce the likelihood of fractures by improving your bone density. These include: doing regular strength and weight training exercises, engaging in mindful meditation, ensuring sufficient calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin D intake, quitting smoking, eating a nutritious and balanced meal consisting of fruits, proteins, and vegetables, maintaining a stable and healthy weight, etc.

3. Is Osteoporosis genetic?

Osteoporosis can be caused due to genetic factors and a family medical history that’s characterized by low bone mass, deteriorating bone tissues, and an increased risk of fractures.

4. Is Osteoporosis painful?

It is interesting to note that the disease osteoporosis by itself isn’t painful. It is the accompanying health issues (in the cases of severe osteoporosis) such as fractures that cause pain. Plus, the pain tends to worsen as people age.

5. Is Osteoporosis reversible?

It is not possible to reverse it, but you can curb it. First things first, it is important to understand that treating osteoporosis means two things: one, stopping bone loss and two, promoting bone formation to prevent fractures. By integrating healthy lifestyle efforts such as eating a nutrient-rich diet, exercising regularly, and taking appropriate medications, further bone loss can be prevented. Plus, this also greatly lowers the risk of fractures. That said, remember that if you have lost a lot of bone density, lifestyle changes may not be sufficient, and medical intervention may be required.

Did You Know?

“Research(29) indicates that about half of women and one-quarter of men will break a bone due to osteoporosis.”

“Osteoporosis is not an inevitable part of aging; it is preventable. So it is vital that all of us, of all ages, start taking care of our bones now before it is too late.” – Camilla Parker Bowles

Osteoporosis has infamously gained the reputation of being a “silent disease.” And rightly so. While the symptoms take years to develop gradually, it can make its presence felt and cause havoc overnight. That said, remember that bone health is important at all phases of one’s life – from childhood to old age, and not just once you hit the 50s.

While osteoporosis might be emerging as a “global health epidemic” with over 55%(30) of the US population above the age of 50 grappling with it, the good news is that you can treat it and delay bone loss, if not prevent it altogether. Give these natural remedies a fighting chance and see the difference for yourself.

On the off chance that none of the above mentioned natural treatments are working in your favor, please consult a doctor for understanding the next steps you should take.

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