Treat PCOS Effectively with These Natural Remedies
Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused when male hormones present in the female body rises abnormally. It triggers various tangible symptoms like excess hair on the face, acne or obesity, etc.
Random periods and pain in menstruation are some of the major symptoms shown by the victims.
Women of age 15-44 are the major recipients of the disease. Up to 6-10% of the women around the world have PCOS.
By the age of 40, 40% of women become permanent diabetic patients. Thus, they also have twice chances of getting depressed and anxiety than of women not having PCOS due to the fact these same women are unable to afford proper sleep. 50-70% of the total women having PCOS are insulin resistant.
Several types of PCOS are there which exhibit various root causes and various symptoms. The type of PCOS one has is diagnosed by studying the symptoms, going for a blood test or maybe for an ultrasound test study of the cysts accumulated on the ovaries.
Table of Contents
Three Kinds of PCOS:
1. Insulin resistant
This is the most common type of PCOS found. Irregular cycles and other symptoms are caused due to blocking of the ovulation tracks because of high insulin levels.
Thus, a proper diet can help reduce the insulin level, lack of periods, mood swings, and obesity are some common causes followed with hirsutisms along with acne. Such patients are presumed to be borderline diabetic.
2. Inflammation-based
Found in women who are not overweight but may be of normal weight or even underweight. These also fail to show the classical symptoms of the PCOS
The irregular cycles and stoppage in ovulation may be the cause of how the body will respond to foods such as gluten, sugar dairy or may be due to overexposure to endocrine disruptive chemicals either from use of frequent dry cleaner or may be of chemical lawn spraying.
3. Synthetic Hormones Induced PCOS
Occurs in women under continuous usage of pills or other hormonal birth controllers for a longer period. It makes it uncertain that the period may return and blocks links between the ovaries and the pituitary glands to prevent pregnancy. Removing these blocks is challenging and very difficult. Their combination is also possible.
How to Treat PCOS Effectively:
- Herbs
- Essential oils
- Supplements
- Foods
- Lifestyle
CURE 1: Herbs for PCOS
Many of the patients are turning towards natural therapies and herbal remedies to check if PCOS lay at bay. Ancient people developed herbal remedies for curing hormones and menstrual problems even before the modern medicines were developed.
These herbal remedies for PCOS are passed on from generation to generation by wise and elderly although some of these remedies may not be thoroughly scientifically tested yet.
1. Ashwagandha For PCOS:

This herb possesses adaptogenic properties which help in controlling cholesterol and insulin level in the body
How does it work?
- It also maintains and balances thyroid and hormones in the body.
- It also improves random menstrual cycles and reliefs pain in menstruation.
- It reduces stress hormones, thereby reducing anxiety and depression.
How to use?
Available as pills and capsules, powder, and essential oil, etc. Hence, can be introduced in your diet. It can be used with water, milk, and tea.
How much to use?
A dose of 3-6 grams will do no harm. Overdose leads to hyperthyroidism, hirsutism, dizziness, and day sleepiness.
2. Cinnamon For PCOS
Cinnamon extract is believed to be effective in lowering down insulin levels and curing cramps.
How does it work?
The properties present in cinnamon help your blood to relax making it easy for the blood to reduce sugar levels helping in diabetes.
How to use?
Try to include cinnamon in your daily diet. You can add cinnamon powder in your puddings, breakfast cereal, oatmeal, cakes as well as in your favourite cup of coffee. You can also mix cinnamon powder with lukewarm water and drink it first thing in the morning.
How much to use?
There is no guideline of using cinnamon . Just try to introduce it to your diet and see how it affects PCOS resulting in reducing your pain.
3. Holy Basil For PCOS:

It is native to India and can be spotted in other tropical countries of Asia. Basil can be a good option to check your PCOS.
How does it work?
Basil possesses some phenomenal characteristics such as antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, etcetera. This helps in maintaining the androgen-sensitive tissues which balance insulin. This results in boosting the metabolism of the body. Hence, it rejuvenates the tissues. It is appropriate to say it boosts the immune system of the body to fight fatigue.
How to use?
Basil can be used in your foods in various ways and purpose. Freshly picked basil leaves can be added to your meal and various drinking fluids. It can be also consumed directly without any additive as is not bad in taste.
How much to use?
It should be added to your daily diet and other eating habits. This will help you build a healthy and strong body to fight constant germs and bacteria. Consuming 10-12 fresh leaves prior to early morning breakfast is always beneficial especially for PCOS.
4. Chasteberry For PCOS:
It is a Europeans, African, and Asian subtropical plant. It has been treating hormonal imbalance victims since as early as 400 B.C. Hence, it is also called ‘’the herb for women”.
How does it work?
It helps in reducing tension and inflammatory problems. Chasteberry performs anti-inflammatory activities which help to relieve tension and sinus headaches.
This also helps in calming the insulin levels thereby maintaining hormones balance of your body resulting in reducing PCOS symptoms. Their flowers have ample amounts of beneficial effects on hypertension, nasal congestion, and lower blood pressure. Chasteberry also maintains the estrogen to progesterone ratio.
How to use?
It can be used in tea to cure headaches and PCOS. It is also available in pills and tablets form. Liquids extracts are also available in stores.
How much to use?
To deal with your PCOS, you should include Chasteberry in your daily diet routine. A dose of 400mg on an empty stomach prior to early morning breakfast can help you win over PCOS.
5. Maca Roots For PCOS:

How does it work?
Maca motivates proper working of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland which are the general controllers of ovaries, thyroid, and adrenal glands.
How to use?
It is available in several forms like pills and capsules along with the powder and liquid forms. So, it can be directly introduced in our body through meals and other liquid substances. It can be used as a tea and other extracts in modern medicines.
How much to use?
A dose of 1200-1300 mg daily is prescribed and is fine for PCOS and its symptoms.
6. Cordyceps For PCOS:
These are mushrooms which resemble the shape of small worm generally found in China.
How does it work?
They are well known for their adaptogenic abilities. They balance estrogens and progesterone produced by the adrenal glands. They reduce blood sugar levels and decrease inflammation in the blood.
It helps in sleep, weight loss, and increases your metabolism. It does the same work of simply blocking pain and body swelling substances from our body.
Hence, it is used to relieve pain during menstruation. It also helps in losing weight.
How to use?
You can dry and convert it in powder to allow it to be introduced into your meals and other fluid extracts. It can be consumed in powder form with soups and other drinks. And liquid can be induced with hot beverages.
How much to use?
It is advised to seek help from your physician to avoid any side effects as the dose depends upon the age, health, and other factors in concern.
7. Licorice Root For PCOS:

These roots contain glycyrrhizin that is supposed to kill Xenobiotics which is responsible for killing distress in the body.
How does it work?
It performs anti-inflammatory agent characteristics that help you in balancing hormones and balancing the sugar levels in your body. It is spotted in parts of Asia and Europe, and in parts of the middle east.
Stress and hormonal imbalance are the two migraine triggers that cause unexpected and frequent headaches.
How to use?
It is available in roots. Hence, it can be converted into a powdered form which helps in easy consumption with meals. It is also available in pills and capsules and liquid extracts. It can be taken with tea and water.
How much to use?
To deal with your PCOS, you should include a dose of 7 mg to reduce your testosterone levels from the body. Overdose may lead to dizziness, day sleeping, and cause potassium deficiency in the body.
Discuss the opinions of your doctor for future prescriptions as they may get mixed with other medicines and can form a harmful mixture in your body which can worsen the situation.
It is lovely to share these ancient traditional remedies in our daily life to make your life more organic and environmentally connected with other living beings around.
CURE 2: Essential Oils for PCOS
These are highly concentrated liquids derived from the leaves, flowers, roots, etc from various elements of various plants.
These provide long term benefits in their servings with no side effects. Here is a list of naturally extracted oils that help reduce symptoms of PCOS and causes the relief to the user:
1. Black cumin:
It is generally found in the middle east and in parts of Asia and Europe. It is known for its traditional abilities to cure diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
How does it work?
It contains thymoquinone and has anti-inflammatory properties which help elevate hormonal imbalance and blood sugar levels. It has a tendency to demonstrate muscle contractions resulting in smooth blood flow in the forehead. It evaluates tension, headache, and migraine behind the eye and improves your skin.
It is cost-effective and has no side effects. It improves blood circulation, reduces pain, and relaxes tension.
How to use?
It can be introduced in our diet by adding it in meals and drinkable liquids.
How much to use?
It may be used as one’s own desire. It is advised to avoid contact with eyes and other sensitive areas as it may lead to irritation and burning sensations. Overdose may cause constipation and vomiting.
2. Lavender Oil:

It has therapeutic properties. It helps in muscle relaxation and relieves tension and stress.
How does it work?
- It has anti-inflammatory, therapeutic, anticonvulsant, and callusing tendency elements.
- It helps you maintain hormonal balance and blood sugar levels in the blood.
- It is constituted of linalool and linalyl acetate which can be rapidly absorbed by your skin. This causes central nervous system depression. Hence it leads to anxiety causing headaches.
How to use?
It helps in muscle tension, boosting mood, aid in sleep, and relieving stress by putting 5 drops of lavender oil in home or office. It can be applied at the back of the neck, temples, and wrist to relieve stress. Put 5-10 drops of lavender oil in warm water. Then inhale the steam. This helps in reducing tension and fatigue.
How much to use?
It can be inhaled by putting a few drops on your pillow for good sleep. It can also be applied to the skin to check the symptoms of PCOS. It can be swallowed by putting a few drops in tea.
3. Sandalwood:
Sandalwood is known for its amazing fragrance. It is helpful in balancing testosterone levels in your body for both males and females.
How does it work?
It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. These help to reduce weight and blood sugar levels. This helps to maintain mood swings and cholesterol in your body.
How to use?
Mix 3- 5 drops of it in your food, applying it topically to the body.
How much to use?
No prescription required. It is used 1-2 mg daily. Overexposure to sandalwood fragrance can lead to high blood pressure.
4. Germanium oil:
From centuries Germanium oil has been used as a tonic for uterus and ovary and helps in improving fertility.
How does it work?
It is known for its anti-depressant qualities. It helps to achieve hormonal balance by causing optimal functioning of adrenal glands. It helps in anxiety and reduces inflammations in the body. It can help in nerve pain and reduces the weight of your body.
How to use?
It can be mixed with other oils and applied externally. It can be swallowed with different meals and liquids. It can also be applied to the skin to fight acne.
How much to use?
Dosage may vary from person to person depending upon age, health, and various other factors. It is advisable to concern your doctor about the usage.
5. Basil Oil:

Basil is native to India and can be spotted in other tropical countries of Asia. It is known to be a good option to control your PCOS.
How does it work?
Basil possesses some phenomenal characteristics such as antitumorigenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. This helps in maintaining the blood pressure which results in good blood circulation. It boosts the metabolism of the body. Hence, it is appropriate to say it boosts the blood sugar level of the body and fights future bacteria and diseases. It can help to maintain hormonal balance. It also checks mood swings, hair fall, and acne.
How to use?
Basil can be used in your foods in various ways and purposes. Freshly picked basil leaves can be added to your meal and various drinking fluids. It can be also consumed directly without any additive as it is not bitter in taste.
How much to use?
It can be added to your daily diet and other eating habits. This will help you to build a healthy and strong body to fight germs and bacteria.
6. Clary Sage Oil:
Clary sage oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and therapeutic characteristics which help in reducing blood pressure.
How does it work?
It results in boosting blood circulation which relaxes our arteries and veins. This also boosts your metabolism and the body which helps in converting energy from the food consumed.
This will help fight depression and stress. It also checks the hormonal balance and mood swings caused by it or caused by the pre-menstrual syndrome. It also helps in reducing the cholesterol level from your body.
How to use?
It can be topically applied over the body. It can also be orally consumed by introducing in daily meals, salads, and daily drinking fluids, etc.
How much to use?
It is preferred to use it regularly to keep anxiety and stress levels at bay. Regular consumption keeps blood pressure to normal. It also boosts blood circulation to enhance the metabolism rate of the body. It will also check infertility and hair fall.
7. Chamomile Oil:

Traditionally, people have been using Chamomile for pain and fatigue. It helps in winning over stress because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics by blocking the cause of stress.
How does it work?
It helps in triggering anti-stress hormones in the body to result in a good sound sleep. Stress and insomnia are the triggering factors of severe headaches in the body.
How to use?
- Apply topically on the strained areas of the body to get relaxation from pain and fatigue.
- Mix 5 – 10 drops in the hot water and inhale the steam to get instant relief from mood swings and irritation caused due to irregular period cycles. It can also be consumed by adding a few drops in tea.
How much to use?
There is no such prescription. It is used during pain to get relief. Try to add it in your regular habit to check hypertension and check symptoms of PCOS.
8. Cinnamon oil:
Cinnamon extract is believed to be effective in lowering down insulin levels and cures cramps.
How does it work?
The properties present in cinnamon help your blood to relax making it easy for the blood to reduce sugar levels helping in diabetes.
How to use?
Try to include cinnamon in your daily diet. You can also mix cinnamon oil with lukewarm water and drink it first thing in the morning.
How much to use?
There is no guideline of using cinnamon for . Just try to introduce it to your diet and see how it affects PCOS resulting in reducing your pain.
These oils are naturally extracted. There have been proven of their ability to gain control of PCOS and other painful disorders in the human body. It should be consumed and applied regularly under the supervision of your consultant and physician.
CURE 3: Supplements for PCOS
PCOS can ruin your enthusiasm for the positivity a day may bring. It reduces your passion for achieving and succeeding. You will not be able to give your best in any kind of task or work you are up to. Some natural supplement will surely help you achieve your target of curing and mitigating PCOS. Please discuss it with your doctor for assurance and avoid future problems.
1. Fish Oils:

It improves metabolism in our body which will help in converting the food consumed into energy for our body. This process is hindered in PCOS.
How does it work?
- It contains omega -3 fatty acids with contains EPA and DHA.
- EPA cures depression while their combination helps in checking triglyceride levels.
- Also, it has anti-inflammatory characteristics that support a low sugar level and helps to reduce weights.
How to use?
It is available as daily vitamin pills. And it can be naturally found in meat, eggs, and other seafood.
How much to use?
A daily dose of 2 capsules will help in reducing the PCOS. The excess dose may lead to depression and high blood pressure.
Also Read: Are fish oil supplements healthy in pregnancy?
2. Melatonin:
It is a hormone which regulates your sleep cycles. When eyes receive light from the sun, the pineal glands do not produce melatonin which results in keeping the human awake.
How does it work?
When eyes do not receive light from the sun, the pineal gland produces melatonin which results in the human to become tired and hence will cause sleep. Melatonin reduces the stress hormones in our body and has antioxidant properties. This helps in increasing the metabolism in our body.
How to use?
It can be used as pills and generally used in the night-time before going to bed.
How much to use?
A dose of 3 mg daily can be used 30 minutes before going to bed. Overdose may cause day sleepiness.
3. Zinc:

Studies have found that it is antioxidant and regulates various enzymes that can save you from various PCOS symptoms.
How does it work?
Zinc is beneficial in depression and blood pressure along with many cardiac conditions like heart attack and cardiac arrest. It helps to cut down carbs present in the body. It has a high tendency to generate energy in cells. It thus increases metabolism in your body. It also protects cells from oxidative damages.
How to use?
Pills and capsules of zinc are recommended by the doctors to cure and prevent PCOS.
How much to use?
Recommended daily dose is of 20-30 mg per day. High dose may affect your copper usability which can hence cause anemia.
4. Curcumin:
Curcumin is a yellow color pigment generally found in turmeric. It shows anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
How does it work?
- It helps in stress and improves menstrual cycles, also reducing the cholesterol level of your body which helps in cutting weight.
- It facilitates the harmonic balancing of your body.
How to use?
It is found in the form of pills. It is also naturally present in spices and vegetables.
How much to use?
A daily dose of 2-4 mg is helpful in PCOS related to menstruation cycles.
Supplements act as reactants with other primary therapy for curing PCOS. This is because the level of nutrients and minerals in your body is satisfied by the supplements. If deficient nutrient and minerals are not checked, recovery will be very slow and unproductive for the time and effort spent.
CURE 4: Foods for PCOS
Healthy living depends upon the diet one relies on. There is a famous saying “You Are What You Eat”. So, you have to eat the best and freshest.
These foods will help in your weight management and check insulin resistance. These food habits are planned under the strict supervision of experts and doctors. Hence, they need to be strictly followed as well.
1. Broccoli:

These contain high fibers which reduce sugar effect on the blood. Hence, it helps women, especially with PCOS.
How does it work?
- They also show a reduction in inflammation of the body.
- It is a non-starchy vegetable with low glycaemic index. It has low calories and hence helps in reducing weight.
- It contains various vitamins and minerals like calcium which is very good in boosting the functioning of reproductive systems.
How to use?
It can be eaten raw or boiled and is the best food for PCOS treatment and prevention.
How much to use?
It is recommended to take 1-2 servings daily. It will not only help you with your PCOS but provide support to lead a healthy life.
2. Salmon:
Salmon are fatty fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and possess anti-inflammatory properties.
How does it work?
- These help to check the inflammation in your body. It reduces hormonal imbalance and helps in cutting weight.
- Salmon is also a rich source of vitamin D which helps to lower the effect of PCOS.
How to use?
Such fish can be served with rice particularly with brown rice which can help prevent PCOS at bay.
How much to use?
3-4 servings a week would serve the purpose of healing achieving a healthy PCOS-free life.
3. Brown Rice:
Apart from having an ability to store for long time periods, this rice has low a glycaemic index which helps in balancing the hormonal imbalance and reduces weight.
How does it work?
- It is rich in manganese content which helps in hypertension.
- It contains superoxide dismutase which is a part of its antioxidant characteristic enzyme. The energy protects from cell damage occurred during energy production.
- It constraints inflammation which helps in cutting weight and checking cholesterol levels in the body.
How to use?
It is best to include brown rice as a staple diet. It can be served as a pudding as well as various curries. You can also have whole grain pasta and bread.
How much to use?
There is no prescription involved. 2- 3 servings a week is enough to check PCOS holding to your body.
4. Avocado:
These are low glycaemic index diets which help in keeping the sugar level low and reduces cholesterol levels.
How does it work?
It also contains many vital vitamins for PCOS. It has anti-inflammatory characteristics which help improve blood circulation and relieves stress.
How to use?
It can be eaten as a salad or directly as a fruit.
How much to use?
Add regularly to your diet for better results.
Also Read: Easy Avocado Recipes That Babies and Toddlers Will Love
5. Sesame Seeds:
These are called the powerhouse as they contain various vitamins and minerals essential for battling PCOS.
How does it work?
- They have a rich amount of omega-3 fatty acid, fibers, and high proteins.
- These also contain fewer amounts of carbohydrates which spark down the insulin levels in your body.
How to use?
It can be used with various dishes. It can also be consumed by sprinkling it on salads, bread, and other eatables.
How much to use?
- No prescription is required. It can be used daily in cooking.
- A few teaspoons of seeds can be mixed with various lentils and can be served thrice a week to prevent symptoms of PCOS.
6. Moringa:

It is rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, and potassium. It exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammation characteristics.
How does it work?
This results in balancing the level of hormones and improving the digestive system. Hence, they benefit the immune system of the body. It also helps to fight diabetes by balancing blood sugar levels.
It is rich in potassium which shows anti-inflammatory properties. It has the potential to combine with other substances and minerals to combine and form electrolyte. This results in hydrating the body.
How to use?
It is available in various forms like capsules, powder, oils, etc.
How much to use?
The dosage will depend on the person’s age, strength, etc. So you need to consult your doctor for the prescription and usage.
7. Green Tea:
Green tea is rich in antioxidants that maintain healthy tissues and provides a cure for PCOS.
How does it work?
Green tea can improve the body metabolism which in turn will help in cutting out excess weight
How to use?
It can be served with snacks and other eatables. It is generally served as tea.
How much to use?
- 3 – 4 servings will help you maintain the metabolism and prevent PCOS.
One should practice eating hygienic and organic food for better society building. Foods have a very significant role in our existence. Integrating these foods in your diet will help you build resilience to PCOS and symptoms of PCOS.
Also Read: Health Benefits of Green Tea: Healthy Infusion
CURE 5: Lifestyle for PCOS
Your lifestyle has a lot to tell about yourself. Hence, it is vital to have the right kind of lifestyle for combating PCOS on a daily basis. A healthy lifestyle is a very important part of your success. And hence, a healthy and balanced lifestyle is mandatory to follow and stick to for achieving a healthy and happier life.
1. Exercise More:

While exercising our body releases natural painkillers called endorphins. Exercising more also results in reducing stress.
How does it work?
Exercises improve hormonal balance and decrease insulin resistance.
It improves diabetes and helps check periods and fertility of your body. Hence, it will help to achieve a good sleep at night by decreasing stress produced in your body.
How to use?
Play any sport of your choice regularly. There are many ways that can help you to increase your daily physical activity level like participating in aerobic exercises or joining a gym. Apart from these, there are countless easy ways by which your physical activity can be increased.
For example, using stairs instead of a lift, participating in sports, choosing to walk over driving, doing household chores, swimming, etcetera. These are some ways which will help you to lower your stress levels. Another effective alternative is pursuing Yoga for PCOS.
How much to use?
A workout session of at least 30 – 45 minutes daily is suggested to live a fit life. And it is advised to strictly follow your exercise regime as per your trainer or physician.
2. Meditation:
It is a psychological process which helps us to focus on our awareness of the present moment.
How does it work?
Mindfulness practices help us to create harmony among ourselves. It helps by creating awareness by developing your attention to your thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment.
This has resulted in lower stress, increase in pain tolerance level, reduced risk of future contamination by the same disease and most importantly, decreased dependence on medication.
How to use?
It is advised to meditate 2 times a day in the morning and evening. But if you don’t have the time then it’s better to practice in the morning for 30-40 minutes in a quiet and clean air surrounding.
How much to use?
It is better to be regular in these kinds of practices to get the best results. This would help you with hypertension and improves blood circulation.
Also Read: Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Alzheimer’s
3. Stop Drinking and Smoking
Smoking and drinking can be the cause of your raised risk levels of PCOS. The chemicals in tobacco and alcohol directly influence your blood vessels.
How does it work?
These injurious chemicals harm the blood vessel walls which can cause problems in the immune system of your body.
How to use?
If you are a habitual smoker and drinker, stopping smoking and drinking can be constructive for your overall health. You should attempt to quit such habits permanently. If this option is not possible for you then you should try to reduce the levels of consumption.
How much to use?
The advice is to quit it entirely if you are suffering from high PCOS. A drug-free life is a healthier life, no doubt.
4. Get Some Sound Sleep:

Sleep has straight effects on your body and its functions. A night of good sleep can likely help in reducing your stress.
How does it work?
It can also help to improve the circulation system. Sleeping disorder or deprivation can certainly become the cause of an unhealthy mind. This may lead you to stress and depression.
How to use?
You should try to get some quality sleep if you do not usually get it. A standard sleep schedule is necessary to get some relaxing sleep at night. You should stay away from sleeping in the daytime. Doing exercise at daytime is also good advice to get some soothing sleep.
How much to use?
Studies say that 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary to avoid hypertension conditions. A sleep of fewer than 7 hours and more than 9 hours can cause variation in blood circulation.
Also Read: Why is it good to take a hot bath to sleep better?
5. Eating Plan:
How does it work?
Having the right diet is must to cure PCOS. This is done when you take your food and supplements on time. Failing to do this will lead to less healthy body tissues which are responsible for how your body reacts to day-to-day activities and symptoms of PCOS. This results in a weak immune system. This will make the body a good host for the deficiencies and diseases.
How to use?
It should be followed as described by your doctor.
How much to use?
Be careful while doing your daily routine. Once you neglect it, it becomes a habit and once it becomes a habit it becomes very difficult to break the circle. Hence, it leads to devastating results in the future.
Exercising and playing are a vital part of a person’s life and should be followed strictly. But these exercises need to be done in the right manner and posture so that the results are faster and magnificent.
Hence, one can benefit the most out of it. But if not done properly may lead to uneven body shape which may lead to surgery or any other devastating futuristic outcome. So do it in the presence of a professional trainer.
In spite presence of awareness and adequate facilities available, PCOS continues to treat women badly and question their ability and fertility as the data is mentioned above.
Proper diet followed by the right lifestyle is the key to guard yourself, your family, and the dear ones from various ill effects and symptoms of PCOS, under the proper regular guidance and prescription of your physician.
Stay Active, simply stick to your diet and fitness regime for everlasting results.
Keep safe, keep healthy, and all the best for your future opportunities and challenges.
Also Read: How to Lose Weight Fast: Best Diets, Workouts, and Tips
1. How long does a PCOS treatment last?
Generally, the medication and other treatment last for 3-4 months.
2. What are the major concerns in causing PCOS?
When there is an abnormal rise in male hormones in the body of a woman due to various reasons, it leads to PCOS. In such conditions, women struggle with periods occurrence and with conceiving a child.
3. Can PCOS cause death?
Most of the cases it is very difficult but when a woman is going through PCOS, chances of getting a stroke increases by an approx. 36% which can cause death in some rare cases.
4. How PCOS can be diagnosed?
It is diagnosed by the doctor after studying the symptoms and by ultrasound test conducted.