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4 natural remedies to prevent mosquito bites in babies

prevent mosquito bites in babies

We tell you everything you need to know about how you should act against mosquito bites in babies and pregnant women: how to prevent them with natural remedies and when should you go to the doctor?

One of the worst things that summer brings us is insect bites. It is best to prevent mosquito bites in babies and pregnant women. And the idea is to do it using non-aggressive and chemical-free products. We tell you some of the best natural methods you can try. But if the sting has already occurred, we also tell you what you can do.

There are natural remedies you can use to ward off unwanted mosquitoes. You just have to place them near your baby, his crib or hammock. Some of these natural repellents that you can try to avoid mosquito bites in babies are:

If your baby has already been bitten, you can use these home remedies to reduce swelling and relieve him: Natural remedies when mosquitoes have already bitten

  1. Cold compresses on the bite. Vasoconstriction makes the swelling go down and it hurts less.
  2. Try using aloe vera to calm and reduce swelling. It has no contra-indication in minors as long as it is for topical use.
  3. Another natural remedy is to run a lemon wedge through the bite. It also serves half an onion or garlic.
  4. Pass a cotton ball soaked in a few drops of lemon or lavender essential oil. It is very important that you make sure that it is indicated for babies. Essential oils have a high concentration of the product and can cause reactions.

Normally, mosquito bites in babies are not a major problem. But if the area becomes inflamed, hurts, is red and very hot, fever, vomiting and muscle pain appear, you should immediately see a doctor.


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