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Quit Smoking Using These Naturopathic Remedies

Quit Smoking

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I have done it thousands of times” ~ Mark Twain

Smoking is one of the largest risk factors(1) for anyone. However, there has been a significant rise in the number of smokers. This rising trend could be attributed to stress, peer pressure, or the influence of media.

Regardless, smoking has become a major cause for concern. The problem intensifies due to the fact that smoking affects not only the smoker but also those around them. Second-hand smoke poses more dangers(2) as passive smoking results in nearly 7,330 deaths due to lung cancer and 33,950 deaths due to heart disease each year!

Did You Know!

In India, smoking has been prevalent since 2000 BC! Smoking cannabis has been mentioned in the Atharvaveda!

How to Quit Smoking Using Naturopathic Remedies

Thus, if you are looking for ways on how to stop smoking, then you have come to the right place!

  1. Foods and Beverages
  2. Essential Oils
  3. Herbs
  4. Alternative Treatment

Effects of Smoking on the Body

While smoking can have stimulating effects on the mind, it can have adverse effects on your health.

Smoking can have the following short-term and long-term effects on your body:

Did You Know? Nearly 80% of the world’s smoking population(3) live in low or middle-income countries.

If you are wondering how to get rid of smoking, here are a few natural remedies that may help:

CURE 1: Foods and Beverages

Certain food items and beverages can reduce the urge to smoke. Some of these include:

1. Oats

Oats are much more than a healthy breakfast item. It may actually help you quit smoking!

Why Does it Work?

Oats help by flushing out the harmful toxins(4) present in your system and lower your cravings to smoke. It also offers relief from withdrawal symptoms which you may experience when you go cold turkey.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Heat the milk and add oats to it.
  2. Let the oats soak overnight.
  3. Before consuming, heat the oat mixture and drink it.


Prepare batches of oat mixtures and consume one after every meal.

Want To Quit Smoking?

2. Water

It’s no secret that drinking adequate amounts of water can significantly improve your general wellbeing.

Why Does it Work?

Water(5) helps flush out all the toxins from your body. Further, sipping water throughout the day is an effective strategy that curbs the craving to smoke. Due to the gulping action involved, it fools the body into believing that the urges have been satisfied.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Drink water 15 minutes before you have your meal.


Drink water whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Plus, drink a glass before every meal.

3. Ginger and Honey

As unbelievable as it may sound, ginger and honey could help you quit smoking? Here’s how:

Why Does it Work?

The enzymes, proteins, and vitamins present in honey(6) can eliminate the craving for a smoke. Further, the ginger contains sulfur compounds, which can minimize nicotine addiction. Collectively, they also help clear out your lungs and get rid of the phlegm.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Bring the water to a boil and grate the ginger into it.
  2. Allow the water to simmer for about three to five minutes.
  3. Strain the liquid and stir in the honey.
  4. Drink the tea while it is still warm.


Drink this beverage at least thrice a day, especially after every meal.

3. Radish

Radish is highly effective in helping you quit smoking, especially if you are a heavy or a chain smoker.

Did You Know? Radish is the root of a plant which belongs to the mustard family

Why Does it Work?

Radish reduces the acidity of the body() caused by constant smoking. It not only balances the pH of your body and detoxifies your system, but being a cruciferous vegetable(7), radish supplies isothiocyanates to the body. These compounds are highly effective in preventing the development, growth, and spread of tumours and cancers.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Drink radish juice on an empty stomach

NOTE: Alternatively, you could also chew on radish or carrot sticks every time you feel the need to smoke.


Do this every day immediately after waking up.

CURE 2: Essential Oils

Certain essential oils can help you get rid of your smoking problem. These are:

1. Black Pepper and Grapeseed Oil

As the name suggests, grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes and black pepper oil is extracted from black peppercorn. Let’s explore how it can help you quit smoking.

Why Does it Work?

Much like radish, grapeseed oil is alkaline in nature and can reduce the acidity caused by excessive smoking. It helps in clearing out your lungs and flushing out toxins. Since grapeseed is a carrier oil, you can combine it with an essential oil such as black pepper oil. Black pepper oil contains antitoxic and stimulant properties.

Thus, it can help cut down the craving(8) while clearing your system. Adding a few drops of citrus oil could help elevate your mood(9) and reduce irritability that comes with withdrawal.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Add the essential oils in your diffuser and turn it on


Do it once a day. It will not only improve your health but will also positively affect those around you.

CURE 3:Herbs and Spices

Certain herbs can you in your goal of kicking the butt. Some of these are:

1. Mulethi


Mulethi, or Licorice, is a common natural remedy to treat sore throat and infections. However, this wonder spice can also help you quit smoking.

Why Does it Work?

Licorice is a great substitute for smoking(10). It not only regulates the digestive system but also curbs the urge for smoking.

Did You Know? Great emperors like Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great have endorsed the benefits of consuming licorice. The spice was also discovered in Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb!

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Chew on the stick every time you feel the urge to smoke


Chew on the licorice as and when you get the urge to smoke.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper adds a piping hot kick of health into your life.

Why Does it Work?

Due to its bold and piquant flavors, cayenne pepper can restart your respiratory system and make it desensitized to any addictive substances. It limits your smoking urges and can help even in the long-term.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Sprinkle the cayenne pepper in the glass of water.
  2. Drink the concoction for instant relief.

NOTE: You can also add cayenne pepper to your diet.


Drink the cayenne pepper water every night before you go to bed. You could also drink it whenever you feel the need to smoke.

3. Ginseng


The ancient Chinese have been highlighting the goodness and wellness offered by ginseng across decades.

Did You Know? Ginseng is scientifically known as Panax, which combines the Greek words “pan” (which means all) with “Akos” (which means cure), which broadly translates as ‘the cure for all disorders!

Why Does it Work?

Ginseng has the ability to counter your nicotine cravings. Further, it releases dopamine inside your system, which acts as a natural and healthier alternative to nicotine. It also has calming effects on the body, which will help when the body experiences withdrawal symptoms.

What You Need

Procedure for Usage

  1. Bring the water to a boil and add ginseng to it.
  2. Allow it to simmer for about three to seven minutes.
  3. Take it off the heat and introduce the green tea teabag.
  4. Allow the green tea to steep for nearly three minutes.
  5. Strain the liquid and drink it.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can add ginseng powder to your breakfast every morning.


Drink the ginseng-infused green tea twice a day.

CURE 4: Alternative Therapies

In addition to home remedies, certain alternative therapies could help you quit smoking.

1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Most smokers are aware of the damaging effects of smoking. However, they are unable to quit due to their nicotine dependency. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) addresses the nicotine addiction.

What is it?

NRT deals with delivering nicotine to the system in a safer manner. This includes supplying nicotine through nicotine patches, gums, and inhalers. With time, the amount of nicotine is reduced and eventually cut down completely.

Why Does it Work?

Sudden deprivation of nicotine will make it more likely for the quitter to relapse and resort to smoking. The gradual decrease of nicotine dependency helps the body adapt to the cutting down of nicotine. In due time, a smoker can quit through NRT(11).

2. Acupuncture For Smoking

Acupuncture is an ancient alternative medicine that claims to help quit smoking.

What is it?

Acupuncture deals with the introduction of pins and needles in specific pressure points in order to stimulate it. Studies(12) indicate that acupuncture may not only reduce the urge for smoking but can, in fact, help a person quit smoking!

Why Does it Work?

Acupuncture help in quitting, curbing smoke cravings, and even offers relief from the withdrawal symptoms. The pressure points near the ears are used to stimulate the nervous system and counter the cravings while also relaxing the body.

Tips to Quit Smoking

Here are some first-hand tips from those who have quit smoking, which will not only help you quit, but will also guide you on how to prevent smoking:

Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is definitely worth the effort. It not only prolongs your life but improves the quality of your life. Try the natural remedies listed above to get started on your goal. Remember to join support groups as they will play an extremely encouraging and helpful role in your quitting journey.

Every person is motivated by different events and experiences the journey differently. Hence, avoid making it a competition and putting undue stress on yourself. Celebrate each milestone as you make progress. With enough care and self-control, you will be smoke-free in due time.

Also Read: Smoking During Pregnancy


Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions by those who wish to quit smoking:

1. What is the first step of quitting?

The first step of quitting is clearly defining a quit date and formulating a strategy of how you wish to quit until that day.

2. Does NRT have side effects?

During the NRT course, the dosage is decreased gradually, and the side-effect could be vivid dreams. Some individuals may experience skin irritation due to the nicotine patch.

3. Will I gain weight after I quit smoking?

Yes, but the weight gain is not more than ten pounds. As such, the weight gain is completely manageable by leading a more active life and following a balanced diet. At the end of the day, quitting cigarettes is a lot healthier than the weight gain that comes after quitting. However, not everyone gains weight.

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