Control Your Thyroid Using These Natural Treatments
Thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland that is present in your neck just right below your Adam’s apple is one of the chief glands of the endocrine system. It is a 2 inches long master gland that controls several functions ranging from breathing, body temperature, muscle strength, metabolic functions to the proper functioning of the nervous system.
This gland controls these functions by secreting hormones into the body, T3, T4, and TSH. This endocrine gland is also prone to damage and this could be caused by:
- Presence of excessive chlorine in drinking water.
- Presence of excess fluoride in toothpaste and by drinking fluoridated water.
- Autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, and vitiligo.
- Undergoing radioactive iodine treatment or radiation therapy, especially for the neck and throat region.
- Certain medications such as interferon alpha, lithium, amiodarone, and interleukin 2.
- Mineral deficiency in the body of iodine, selenium, zinc primarily.
- Pregnancy is sometimes known to cause thyroid as an imbalance of the hormones in the body.
Table of Contents
Effective Remedies For Thyroid
- Home Remedies
- Food
- Herbs
- Essential Oils
- Supplements
According to the American Thyroid Association (ATA)(1), around 20 million Americans have thyroid disease; however, 60% may not be unaware of the fact that they may have it. Additionally, 12% of people living in the United States will develop a thyroid condition at some time.
There are primarily two types of thyroid disease: Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. In both of them, there is a lack of optimum amounts of the hormone being released into the body. In hypothyroidism, it is lessened amounts of the hormones in the bloodstream and in hyperthyroidism, it is the overabundance of this hormone in the bloodstream that causes complications in the metabolic functioning of the body.
It is to be noted that your chances are high if you’re family or your extended family has been/is suffering from this condition. Additionally, the choices you make, such as smoking, stress, lack of sleep could also increase the chances of you developing this disease.
While there isn’t any particular step you can take to definitively prevent thyroid disease, there are choices you can make that may reduce your risk or. if you’ve been diagnosed with thyroid disease, these choices will help you slow down or stop the progression of your condition.
If left untreated this disease could manifest into serious health complications that may even be fatal to you. Hence it is strongly recommended that if you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, get your T3/T4 levels checked:
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Dry skin
- Weight gain
- Decreased sweating
- Slowed heart rate
- High blood pressure
- Stiffness and pain in the joints
- Thinning and dry hair
CURE 1: Home Remedies for Thyroid
In the comfort of your house, you could treat and cure your thyroid alongside using the other remedies listed above. Thyroid ailments may take time to manifest and you may not know that you are suffering from it until you feel the first occurrence of the symptoms. In such situations, home remedies can alleviate thyroid pain and in the long run, may be helpful in treating your implication when used simultaneously with other remedies.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Thyroid

This fermented drink is known to provide a solution for almost every ailment. It is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent that houses several other properties, making it a potent solution to deal with several ailments.
Why does it work?
There are numerous publications and studies that have been conducted and are being conducted on the efficacy of apple cider vinegar for thyroid implications. However, the relation between hypothyroidism and apple cider vinegar is complex to understand.
It is to be noted that apple cider vinegar may not bear any direct effect on the thyroid implications. However, it does bear major implications on the symptoms caused by this disease.
It effectively helps in alleviating inflammation caused due to hypothyroidism, it helps in fighting the obesity that could be a direct implication of hyperthyroidism. Additionally, it also helps increase stomach absorption, thereby helping in the increased vitamin and mineral uptake by the stomach.
How to use?
- A cup of water
- An inch of ginger
- Raw apple cider vinegar
- Set a cup of water to boil in a saucepan.
- Chop an inch of fresh and juicy ginger into pieces. Grind the slices of ginger to extract the ginger juice.
- Add a teaspoon each of the ginger juice and ginger bits to the water in the saucepan and boil for a few more minutes.
- Take the ginger tea off the flame and add 2-3 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar to it. Stir well to prepare an evenly dissolved solution.
How much to use?
Drink the mixture twice a day on a daily basis to cure the symptoms that are caused by hypothyroidism.
2. Infrared Sauna
Infrared sauna, unlike the normal sauna, uses infrared heaters to emit infrared rays as radiant heat, which is then absorbed by the skin. Saunas primarily heat the body by conduction and convection from the heated air and by radiation of the heated surfaced in the sauna room.
Why does it work?
In the conventional sense, our bodies are structured to filter out toxins using the liver; however, people with thyroid diseases are vulnerable to developing liver issues that could cause hindrance to the body’s ability to eliminate toxins.
In an infrared sauna, due to the heat, the body sweats all the toxins out and helps the body and liver functioning well. Additionally, almost every person suffering from thyroid implications has an inflammation in the neck region. It is noted that an infrared sauna could help reduce inflammation in the body.
A 2003 study(2) from the Department of Dermatology and Institute of Medical Research found out that using near-infrared heat therapy was able to effectively alleviate inflammation in the body.
How to use?
Go to your nearest center and have them put you through this therapy. However, it is suggested that you have a word with your physician/doctor before you go, so as to have a better understanding of this therapy.
How much to use?
The whole treatment plan could span over months; however, this is variable and a general estimate. It could vary from person to person as it depends on several factors. You would be told about your duration and how regularly you’d have to attend this therapy.
CURE 2: Food for thyroid
Foods could be the answer to help you prevent/cure your thyroid condition. Food forms the main form of nutrition for you to get your minerals and vitamins that are required for the thyroid to produce the hormones.
- Flax Seeds
- Ginger
- Kelp
1. Flax Seeds (Linum usitatissimum)

Flax seeds have been used since centuries and they are prized medicinal seeds that bear several medicinal benefits that could cure several ailments. In fact, Charles the Great during his regimen had ordered his subjects to eat this seed for its health benefits. Flax seeds are referred to as linseeds as well.
Why does it work?
Flaxseeds owe their medicinal prowess to the fact that they are abundant in an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. This fatty acid is essential to produce thyroid hormones.
Additionally, these seeds also have phytoestrogenic properties thereby supporting the production of sex hormones that could help support your thyroid. They are also a rich source of magnesium and vitamin B12 that could go a long way in restoring the functions of your body and fight the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
How to use?
Flax could be used as a crunchy dressing option in your salads, oats or yogurt. Additionally, you could also add them into your smoothies, dips, baked goods or desserts. This seed is versatile and could be integrated into your meals very easily. You could also soak them overnight, strain the seeds and then consume this water.
How to use?
Although there aren’t any dietary restrictions in regards to the consumption of flax seeds, it is ideally recommended that you stick to 10-20 grams throughout the day.
2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

This tropical root is not only a fragrant spice, but it also houses several medicinal benefits that could help you cure/keep several diseases at bay.
Why does it work?
Ginger is a sought after herb that can cure thyroid. It is an anti-inflammatory (3)agent, a rich source of potassium, magnesium, and polyphenols like gingerol. Ginger exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory properties that could alleviate hypothyroidism and its symptoms.
How to use?
Consuming ginger tea daily helps you cope with symptoms caused by hypothyroidism. It is suggested that you have a daily intake of 4-5 grams of ginger to help promote better health conditions. You could either directly ingest it or add chopped ginger into your meals or you could consume it in the form of tea.
How much to use?
It is recommended that you have your ginger tea twice a day for the best results. Also, if you decide to make it a habit to ingest it directly try to stick to only a single clove per day, as anything above that could harm your digestive process.
3. Kelp for Thyroid

Kelp is a brown alga that grows on the ocean floor. It is a common misconception to categorize as a seaweed; however, it doesn’t belong to that family. It is part of the brown algae family. Kelp is an essential part of the diet for several marine animals and in specific regions such as Asia, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Kelp not only helps with thyroid problems but also improves digestion, metabolic levels, weight loss, liver functions, pancreatic hormone release, and brain.
Why does it work?
According to a study conducted by the Newcastle University in 2014(4), it was concluded that “(kelp) empowers the thyroid gland and encourages weight loss.”
The release continued to state that eating kelp before the occurrence of thyroid imbalance as it may prevent the onset of this disease.
Kelp is rich in iodine and when it is consumed, the iodine present in the seaweed helps in boosting the production of thyroid hormones and it also helps in maintaining an environment that is required by the gland.
In a study conducted on 36 healthy euthyroid subjects for 4 weeks, it was noticed that there was a significant increase in both basal and post stimulation of TSH(5).
How to use?
You could consume kelp raw, however getting your hands on fresh kelp could be a daunting task, hence you could use different formulations, including capsules, powders, and tinctures. You could choose any of them that appeals to you. However, it is advised that you consult with your physician/doctor before you start using this regimen.
How much to use?
Ideally, if you are using the powder it is recommended that you use 3-4 grams daily in water, If you are using the supplements it is advised that you take 600 mg of it with your food and liquids. If you are using any of the other formulations of the product, it is advised to check with your physician/doctor for the dosage that would suit you.
CURE 3: How to Cure Thyroid Using Naturopathic Remedies
Herbs for Thyroid
Herbs are naturally occurring substances which originated from plants or plant derivatives. They have shown immense potential in curing a lot of diseases effectively including hypothyroidism, type- I diabetes. Herbal remedies are easily accessible and don’t bear any kind of side effects.
- Ashwagandha
- Korean Ginseng
- Echinacea
1. Ashwagandha for Thyroid (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is commonly known as the Indian Ginseng in the discipline of Ayurveda. It is an ancient medical practice that is seen mostly in India. ‘Ashwagandha’ is a word that has its roots in Sanskrit, ashva connotes to horse and gandha to smell. As the root has a strong aroma that is described as ‘horse-like’.
Why does it work?
According to the Natural Research Institute(6), Ashwagandha may be an effective way to treat people suffering from hypo/hyperthyroidism. Ashwagandha is known as an ‘adaptogen’- an herb or drug that acts against both deficiency and excess of bodily secretions and helps regulate this, and thereby helping the bodily functions. Ashwagandha is known to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more T4 hormone (thyroxine) which is a promising cure for hypothyroidism without the involvement of any conventional medicine.
In a placebo controlled study(7) conducted in 2014 to measure thyroid indices (TSH, free T4, and T3) of 60 patients were treated with ashwagandha for bipolar disorder. It was observed that the patients being treated with this supplement have shown improvement in their hormone levels up to the point of the hormone levels being back to normal. It was thereby concluded that patients with hypothyroidism could benefit from consuming ashwagandha, because of its T4 elevating, anti-inflammatory, nerve protect, antioxidant and antidepressant properties.
How to use?
Ashwagandha is widely available now. Thanks to its soaring popularity, it is now available in the form of teas, powders, tinctures, and supplements. It is ideally recommended that you use the powder or the supplement; however, before adhering to this regimen, it is better to consult with a doctor/physician.
How much to use?
It depends on the severity of the condition and the brand of supplement that you are using. Therefore before doing so, it is recommended that you consult with your physician if you could adhere to this regimen.
2. Korean Ginseng

Ginseng is a shrub that mostly grows in China and South East Asian regions. There are 11 different varieties of this shrub. Korean ginseng is also referred to as Chinese ginseng.
Why does it work?
Like ashwagandha, even this root is an adaptogen as it can regulate the low or excess of production of any hormone. Ginseng has some active chemical compounds called ginsenosides that have been proven to support thyroid function through a unique pathway.
As we grow older we all accumulate an unhealthy amount of a deleterious hormone called as reverse T3, which inhibits the functionality of the healthy T3 hormone. Ginseng acts on these receptors and unbinds the reverse T3 hormone and allows the T3 hormone to function.
In a study (8)conducted on 54 adults with congestive heart failure, it was observed that ginsenosides had an effect on thyroid hormone levels. At the beginning of the study, there was a higher level of reverse T3; however, after the administration of ginseng via injection it was noticed that there was a significant reduction in the levels of rT3 and a healthy spike in the T3 and T4 levels.
How to use?
Korean ginseng is now available in the form of teas, powders, tinctures, and supplements. It is ideally recommended that you use the powder or the supplement; however, before adhering to this regimen, it is better to consult with a doctor/physician.
How much to use?
It depends on the severity of the condition and the kind of brand of supplement that you are using, therefore before using it, it is recommended that you consult your physician if you could adhere to this regimen.
3. Echinacea

Echinacea is a perennial herb that is normally seen in the east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. It is also grown in western States, as well as in Canada and Europe. Several species of the echinacea plant are used to make medicine from its leaves, flower, and root.
Why does it work?
Although there isn’t a clear understanding as to how this herb works for thyroid, it has been hypothesized that it interacts with the thyroid pathway and helps in the increase of the hormone, that is T3 and T4. There are several types of research and studies that are being conducted as of now to understand the functioning of this herb in a much broader perspective.
How to use?
Echinacea is available in the form of teas, powders, tinctures, and supplements. It is ideally recommended that you use the powder or the supplement; however, before adhering to this regimen it is better to consult with a doctor/physician.
How much to use?
It depends on the severity of the condition and the brand of supplement that you are using, therefore before doing it is recommended that you consult your physician if you could adhere to this regimen.
CURE 4: Essential oils for Thyroid
These oils are extracted from barks, flowers, stems and other living parts of the plant and have a lot of beneficial effects for humans as they are able to help in the reduction of swelling and alleviate pain.
- Frankincense
- Spearmint
- Lemongrass
1. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense is also known as olibanum. It is extracted from the resin of the Boswellia tree and this tree typically grows in dry, hilly regions of India, Africa, and the Middle East.
This essential oil is described to have a woody, spicy smell and can easily be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or taken as a supplement.
Why does it work?
Frankincense essential oil is a well known anti-inflammatory agent that acts against the inflammation that is present in the body caused due to thyroid problems. It also enhances the effects of other essential oils. Additionally, this essential oil is known to reduce pain and inflammation that could be caused due to hypothyroidism. It is also noticed that this essential oil protects the gland by reducing the number of free radicals that are present in the body.
How to use?
It is to note that essential oils cannot be consumed. It is only for topical use alone. As Frankincense is a strong essential oil, you need to mix it with a carrier oil like castor, coconut, almond oil, etc. You could mix 3-5 drops of the oil with 8ml of carrier oil and after mixing them properly, you could pour it onto gauze and massage it on your neck.
How much to use?
It is ideally recommended that you do this two to three times a day for at least a week.
2. Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint is also referred to as Mentha spicata. It is a type of mint similar to peppermint or mint. This essential oil is extracted from the perennial plant that primarily grows in Europe and Asia. The name spearmint comes from its characteristic spear-shaped leaves.
Spearmint’s odor is described as a sweet taste lingering in the air. It is used to flavor several kinds of toothpaste, mouthwashes and chewing gum.
Why does it work?
It is a well-known fact that hypothyroidism causes several joint and knee pains in the patients. Spearmint is known to be a natural analgesic that could provide instant relief from the symptoms caused due to hypothyroidism. Additionally, it is known to improve circulation that could help boost the functioning of the thyroid gland.
How to use?
It is to note that essential oils cannot be consumed. It is only for topical use alone. As Spearmint is a strong essential oil, you would need to mix it with a carrier oil like castor, coconut, almond oil, etc. You could mix 3-5 drops of the oil with 8ml of carrier oil and after mixing them properly, you could pour it onto a gauze and massage it on your neck.
How much to use?
It is ideally recommended that you do this two to three times a day for at least a week.
3. Lemongrass Essential Oil
Image: ShutterStockLemongrass is a tropical, grassy plant that could be grown anywhere and is mostly seen as an indoor plant. This plant is used in cooking and as herbal medicine.
It is extracted from the leaves and stalks of the lemongrass plant. This essential oil has a powerful odor, packing a citrus punch.
Why does it work?
One of the major problems of patients suffering from a thyroid problem is inflammation or swelling in the thyroid/neck area. In several studies conducted on lemongrass essential oil, it was deduced that it is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that could help alleviate the inflammation.
How to use?
It is to note that essential oils cannot be consumed. It is only for topical use alone. As lemongrass is a strong essential oil, you need to mix it with a carrier oil like castor, coconut, almond oil, etc. You could mix 3-5 drops of the oil with 8ml of carrier oil and after mixing them properly, you could pour it onto a gauze and massage it on your neck.
How much to use?
It is ideally recommended that you do this two to three times a day for at least a week.
CURE 5: Supplements for Thyroid
Supplements form the adjuvant therapy, .i.e you follow this treatment alongside the primary treatment. Supplements form the backbone for your recovery as lacking nutrients and minerals could lead to weakened immunity and improper functioning of the thyroid. TOC
1. Selenium for thyroid
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is required by the body for proper cognitive functioning and fertility. It is also known to prevent cardiovascular diseases, thyroid problems, and cognitive decline.
Why does it work?
The thyroid is the organ that has the highest concentration of selenium in the body. This mineral plays a key role in the production of thyroid hormone. Selenium is essential in the gland as it helps in keeping the iodine levels consistent in the gland and helps in the production of the hormones.
In a study conducted in 2016 on several adults above the age of 18 who were suffering from chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. It was observed that selenium supplementation was able to increase the hormone levels over a certain period of time.
How to use?
Selenium supplementation is very simple and could be followed by just using them right from the container. Although it is strictly advised that you check with your doctor/physician before you do so.
How much to use?
Ideally, it is recommended that you stick to the dosage mentioned on the label. However, before doing so, it is recommended that you consult with your physician if you could adhere to this regimen.
2. Vitamin B
Vitamins are an essential requirement and also an essential part of our diet. Lacking vitamin B could not only disrupt your bodily functions, but it could also severely impact thyroid hormone production.
Why does it work?
Although there isn’t any clear consensus on the workings of the Vitamin B; however, it has been hypothesized that vitamin B supplementation prevents the development of all the symptoms caused by hypothyroidism such as impaired memory, weakness, numbness, and depression.
How to use?
Vitamin B supplementation is very simple and could be followed by just using them right from the container. Although it is strictly advised that you check with your doctor/physician before you do so.
How much to use?
Ideally, it is recommended that you stick to the dosage mentioned on the label. However, before doing so it is recommended that you consult with your physician if you could adhere to this regimen.
3. Iodine for thyroid

Iodine is an essential micronutrient that is required by the body for the production of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is one of the primary reasons for hypothyroidism and mental impairments worldwide.
Why does it work?
Iodine is one of the essential mineral that is required for the production of T3 and T4 hormone. As Iodine is the primary mineral, lack of this mineral could cause a decrease in the production of the hormone. Also, iodine is required as it provides the microenvironment required for the gland to function and secrete this hormone.
In a study (9) that was conducted on the population data of China, It was noticed that iodine deficiency was linked to Hypothyroidism. It was also observed that the patients who were on the right amount of iodine supplementation showed a significant improvement in their condition.
How to use?
Iodine supplementation is very simple and could be followed by just using them right from the container, although it is strictly advised that you check with your doctor/physician before you do so. As excessive dosage of iodine could be dangerous and could compound the existing complication.
How much to use?
Ideally, it is recommended that you stick to the dosage mentioned on the label. However, before doing so it is recommended that you consult with your physician for the right amount of dosage that is suitable for the severity of your condition.
Preventive Measures
1. Stop Smoking
Smoking a cigarette could make your body vulnerable to a variety of toxins that could affect your thyroid and in general, disrupt your hormone supply
2. Do the Neck Check
Doing regularly self-checks to find lumps on the neck and the regions around, could come a long way in early detection of this disease. Early detection of thyroid cuts down the chances of suffering through the devious symptoms.
3. Selenium Supplementation
Selenium is not only a supplement that could help you fight with thyroid implications. If you take these supplements before the onset, there are high chances of cutting down the risk of suffering from it.
4. Potassium Iodide
Your body requires iodine as fuel to help in the production of the hormone. Having potassium iodide on hand could help you with that iodine supplementation that you might be missing out.
5. Regular checkups
Regular checkups with your primary care doctor is of paramount importance, as the doctor would be able to test your thyroid hormone levels and assess them accordingly to catch the early onset of this disease.
Thyroid is a serious issue that has plagued this world and continues to do so. However, there may be a few ways we could prevent it – by changing our lifestyle and making healthier choices that would help us avoid this disease. However, if you are suffering from it, you could use the above-listed remedies to control and help cure your thyroid.