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How to Treat Tendonitis Naturally?


What Is Tendonitis?

Tendons are thick fibrous strings that attach the muscle to the bone. Tendonitis is caused when a tendon is inflamed or irritated, causing pain and swelling outside a joint.

It is most common around your heels, knees, wrists, shoulders, and elbows. But that does not imply that it can not occur in any other tendons.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics(1), more than 70000 people miss work in a year because of tendonitis.

Tendonitis can occur anywhere, but it mostly affects the heels, knees, wrists, elbow, and shoulder. Tendonitis in these areas has specific names.

Tendonitis can mostly be treated through exercise and physiotherapy but let us discuss some effective home remedies.

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How to Treat Tendonitis at Home?

The first and foremost course of treatment advised by the doctor also is exercise and physical therapy. We will study the various forms of exercises for separate conditions of tendonitis.

1. Elbow

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Tendonitis in the elbow is of two types – tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Tennis elbow is caused by repetitive outward motion of the elbow and Golfer’s elbow is caused because of recurring inward movement of the elbow.

The exercises that can help relieve the pain are discussed under –

a. Fist Clench

b. Wrist Extension

c. Wrist Flexion

d. Wrist Turn

2. Wrist

Wrist tendonitis occurs when you overwork the tendons connecting the muscle to the bone around the wrist. There is a pain in the wrist and stiffness in the movement of the wrist, especially right after waking up.

The exercises elaborated underneath can help relieve the pain.

a. Wrist extension stretch

b. Wrist flexion  stretch

c. Side to side

3. Achilles


Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the heels. Overuse and injury of this tendon cause Achilles tendonitis.

It is treatable by proper exercises that can be done at home. The same is mentioned further.

a. Standing calf stretch

b. Sitting heel raises

c. Bilateral heel drop

4. Shoulder

Shoulder tendonitis is the inflammation of your rotator cuff. The tendons in your shoulder connect your upper arm to the shoulder blade. This can be treated at home with the help of some exercises mentioned below

a. Doorway stretch

b. Reverse fly

c. Side-lying external rotation

5. Bicep


Bicep tendonitis is caused by repetitive overhead motions. It affects the tendons in your bicep connecting the biceps muscle to the shoulder and elbow. Like all other tendonitides, this can also be treated at home with the help of some exercises. The same is mentioned below.

a. Elbow Flexion and Extension

b. Biceps Stretch

c. Sleeper Stretch

Apart from the above-mentioned exercises, there are alternate remedies also to help with the inflammation caused by tendonitis. The popular ones are cold and hot compresses.

The question is, whether to do a cold compress or a hot compress.

Mayo Clinic(2), USA suggests that when the injury is fresh one should apply a cold compress. Ice helps numb the pain and constricts the blood vessels reducing the swelling and inflammation. So for the first 3-4 days of the injury, you should use an ice pack. Ice the area for 15-20 minutes every 5 to 6 hours.

After the first few days, you can move to heat therapy. The heat helps the muscles to relax soothing the pain and increasing the blood flow to the injured area that helps in faster healing.

Tendonitis can disrupt your daily life because of movement restrictions and constant pain in affected areas. It is easy to get attracted to faster and simpler ways of treating it at home. But, self-treating a condition and avoiding standard care can cause more serious damage. We suggest if you suspect tendonitis in any part of your body immediately visit the doctor for a correct diagnosis. Once it is established you have tendonitis these home remedies can be used for assisting with the healing process.

Also Read: How to Treat Tendonitis Naturally?


1. Can we use turmeric for tendonitis?

Studies(3) suggest that the compound curcumin present in turmeric can be used to inhibit mechanisms that spark inflammation.

2. Is it a good idea to get a massage for tendonitis?

The injury should not be massaged until after 48 hours of the occurrence. Post that friction massage therapy or cyriax massage therapy could be used. Both these therapies help in collagen boost, thus aiding the healing process.

3. Can tendonitis occur in any body part?

Yes, tendonitis can occur anywhere tendons are present. But the most common areas of injury are shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and heels.

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