Headaches Are Devastating – Find Your Refuge In These Natural Treatments
Headaches are usually associated with vomiting and nausea. Some of the very common symptoms of headache are squeezing, throbbing and constant unrelenting feeling on the forehead and point blanks.
Although there are many medications to treat different kinds of headaches, here are a number of other remedies that are very effective and can be used at home too.
Whatever is the type of headache, they can be treated using natural remedies too.
Let’s know what are they.
Table of Contents
How to Cure a Headache?
- Home Remedies
- Natural Remedies
- Alternative Treatment
- Essential Oils
- Prevention
- FAQs
There are nearly 150 kinds of headaches
CURE 1: Home Remedies for Headache
1. Cloves

Cloves are excellent for their cooling, soothing and relieving properties and are among the best home remedies to cure a headache.
How to Use
- Crush a teaspoon of cloves gently.
- Wrap the crushed cloves in a dry and clean cloth.
- Inhale its pungent odor till a headache dissipates.
Another method to reduce the pain of headaches is to massage your forehead with a combination of a few drops of clove(1) oil with a non-scented oil for a few minutes until the pain disappears.
- Mix two teaspoons of coconut oil with a few drops of clove oil.
- Add a pinch of salt to it.
- Massage your temple gently with the oil mix.
- Your headache will vanish instantly.
Cloves help in better blood flow thus helping to reduce the pain. Because of this quality of improving circulation, clove oil is considered apt for reducing the pain and discomfort associated with tension headaches.
2. Cayenne

- A glass of Lukewarm Water
- Few Cotton Balls
- Half a teaspoon of powdered Cayenne.
How to Use
- Dilute the powdered cayenne by adding a few tablespoons of lukewarm water to it.
- Mix it well to form a thick paste.
- Dip the cotton balls into it and make sure that the entire swab of cotton is soaked in the cayenne paste.
- Dab your nostrils with the cayenne soaked cotton or rather pucker them up into a small ball of cotton and insert them into your nostrils.
- This might burn a little, but the heat that you will feel up your nose will give you instant relief from a headache.
- Keep the cotton balls inside for about ten to fifteen minutes.
- Take them out, and you will see that the headache has disappeared.
3. Green Tea for Headache

A cup of hot green tea is good enough to drive away any kind of headaches. Being rich in antioxidants(2), green tea can cure headaches quite effectively and keeps a check on your wandering thoughts, providing you great relief from pain.
- A cup of Warm Water
- A Green Tea Bag and
- Half a Slice of Lemon.
How to use:
- Dip the tea bag in the cup of warm water.
- Let it soak for about 7 to 10 minutes.
- Do not make it too strong or pungent.
- Squeeze the lemon slice to extract its juice.
- Add two to three tablespoons of this lemon juice to the tea
- Stir well till the juice gets properly blended, and sip on to it
How Much to Have
Do not have more than two cups at a time. Any kind of headache will slowly go away.
CURE 2: Natural Remedies for Headache
Often caused by stress or muscle, tension, headaches are also associated with caffeine withdrawal, eyes strain, and high blood pressure. There are many natural remedies which can be used at home to get rid of headaches. Find out how you can use them at home.
1. Blue Vervain – Catnip Tea
- Boiling Water – 1 cup
- A teaspoon of Dried Blue Vervain
- 1 Teaspoon of Dried Catnip
How to Prepare
- Pour the boiling water into a large mug.
- Add the dried herbs.
- Cover the mug and let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
- Sip this tea slowly.
- Repeat this 3 times a day
Blue Vervain and Catnip(3) come together to increase circulation and promote relaxation, and they help ease tension. This blend is ideal for stress headaches.
2. Ginger for Headache

Inflammation and swelling of blood vessels in the brain are one of the major causes of headaches.
Ginger can provide immediate relief from headaches as it has inflammatory properties.
How to Use:
Ginger Juice
- Crush a ginger root to make pulp and extract its juice.
- Take a tablespoon of this ginger juice.
- Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice to this.
- Consume this mixture twice or thrice in a day.
Ginger Paste
- Take a teaspoon of ground ginger powder.
- Mix it with water to form a smooth paste.
- Smear your forehead with this paste.
- Keep it on for five to ten minutes.
The paste acts as a natural balm and soothes headaches. Another way is to inhale ginger vapors.
Ginger Aroma
- Put three cups of water to boil.
- Add ginger powder to the boiling water.
- Inhale the gingery steam vapors in deep breaths.
Note: Simply chewing on ginger(4) is often effective in curing headaches especially if you are suffering from one due to the common cold and runny nose.
3. Juice of Mint Leaves

This is one of the most highly effective natural remedies for sinus headaches. Mint possesses menthol and menthone which cure headaches very effectively.
How to Use
- Fill a bowl with mint leaves to the brim.
- Crush the leaves to extract all its mint juice.
- Smear your temples and forehead with mint juice.
- Leave it on till the headache disappears.
Mint Tea
You can also add a few drops of mint juice to a steaming mug of black tea(5) and take it for instant relief from migraines.
4. Basil Leaves for Headache
Basil Tea
- Take a cup of water and put it to boil.
- Add a few leaves of basil to the boiling water.
- Let the water simmer down.
- Add a tablespoon of honey to it.
- Sip this slowly to cure your headache effectively.
Basil Steam
- Another method would be to boil a vessel of water.
- Add a handful of basil leaves or a teaspoonful of basil oil in it.
- Steam the mixture and breath in the warm basil vapors to cure your headache.
You can also massage your aching forehead with basil oil and chew on three to four basil leaves to alleviate the headache.
CURE 3: Alternative Treatments for Headache
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique of healing which involves the insertion of needles into the body at specific points. This method eases headaches and normalizes the energy imbalance and thus makes you more resistant to illness.
Acupuncture makes the body release those chemicals that block pain. It also helps in treating a variety of other ailments. Acupuncture for headache is considered a unique way of treating pains because the effect it poses is long-standing. Chronic pains in the neck, shoulders, and headaches are treated very effectively by acupuncture.
2. Chiropractic Care
The best part of Chiropractic care is that it is the non-invasive and drug-free way of healing. The oxidative stress of the body is reduced just like an antioxidant.
Chiropractic Therapy reduces headaches up to more than 90% and persistent treatment may cure it completely. This is a kind of treatment where your stress is alleviated through manipulation, thus reducing headaches and tension.
Your chiropractor will answer your questions and discuss the treatment options which might include mobilization or spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy or any other option. He can also recommend you to perform some exercises to correct your posture which might be a cause of your headache.
3. Yoga For Headache
Yoga is probably the oldest way of treating many ailments. All the poses of yoga are based on proper breathing patterns and performing the pose very slowly. Yoga has proven to offer long term results as it involves an optimum flow of oxygen all through the blood offering relaxation to the body and the mind.
Below are some of the poses, which help you get rid of headaches.
4. Viparita Karani
Sit on one end of a mat with your right hip touching a wall. Lean back, turn to lie flat on the mat and extend your legs up the wall. Make sure your extreme base is nearly touching the wall and your legs are placed as if they are closely parallel to each other. Put your hands on your belly and close your eyes, relax your jaw and drop your chin slightly. Stay in the same pose and breathe deeply for about 10 minutes.
You will see tremendous results in very less time.
5. Uttanasana
Standing and folding forward is probably a very basic way to treat a headache. This pose activates the nervous system by increasing the oxygen supply to the blood flow and thus calms the mind.
Bend forward with feet hip-width apart and relax you bead towards the ground. Hold the right elbow with the left hand and the left elbow with the right one and relax in this position for about 5 to 7 minutes.
Also Read: Yoga Poses for Beginners
CURE 4: Essential Oils for Headache Cure
Essential oils have been used as home remedies for an array of ailments. But do you know which essential oils should be used and how? Let’s find out which essential oils are best and their benefits.
1. Lavender Essential Oil for Headache

Many people believe that Lavender Oil(6) relieves headaches that are caused by Stress. Migraine headaches are said to be treated by inhaling Lavender essential oil.
Why Does it Work:
Lavender oil is absorbed into the body directly by the nerves when it is infused in the air. Linalool, the active ingredient in lavender oil acts directly on the brain, inhibits the glutamate binding and also inhibits acetylcholine to be released. This causes a relaxed feeling.
How to Use
Topical Application: Mix 2 to 3 ml of Lavender Essential oil to a tablespoon of any carrier oil like coconut oil and gently rub on the temples and all over the forehead.
Inhaling: drop 2 to 3 drops of Lavender essential oil to a tissue paper. Hold the paper near your nostril and inhale.
Compress: Add Lavender essential oil to warm water. Dip a small cloth into the solution and apply on the forehead.
Bath: Add 5 to 6 drops of Lavender Essential oil to your bathtub and take a warm bath with it.
How Much to Use
You can use it whenever you have an attack, but the topical application should always be associated with a carrier oil. If you are uncomfortable with the concentration of the oil, dilute it even more. It is advised that you follow the instructions given on the product packaging or consult your doctor before using essential oils.
2. Rosemary Oil for Headache

Many studies recommend that Rosemary Essential Oil is an effective remedy for headaches because of its painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in reducing pain in patients who are undergoing treatment for opium withdrawal(7).
Why Does it Work
Because of its painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties.
- 4 to 5 stems of Rose Mary Springs
- A Small Cooker
- 2 Cups of Sunflower Oil
How to Use:
- Take the Rosemary stems and remove the needles from the stem.
- Pour the sunflower oil in a cooker.
- Add the Rosemary to the oil.
- Close the lid and set the cooker on low flame for 4 to 6 hours.
- Let it cool and finally strain out the extra needles from the oil.
- Use the residual oil for topical application or inhaling.
- As Rosemary essential oils might cause allergies, use it only after consulting a doctor.
- Rosemary essential oil might sometimes cause spasms and vomitings because of its volatile nature. So, be cautious when using it for oral ingestion.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, should not use it.
- If Rosemary essential oil is excessively used, it may cause disability in the fetus or miscarriage.
- Disability in the fetus or miscarriage might happen
3. Peppermint Essential Oil

How to Use
1. Peppermint Bath for Headache
The intensity of a headache can decrease if you take a bath. If you add a few drops of Peppermint oil to your bath, it speeds up the process of relaxing your mind. If your headache intensifies with the light in your room, you can use a candle instead to brighten the room.
2. Peppermint Oil with Steam Inhalation
- Pour hot water into a bowl
- Add 3 to 5 drops of Peppermint essential oil
- Cover your head with a towel so that no air enters in
- Close your eyes
- Breathe deeply through your nose.
- Don’t do this for more than 2 minutes.
Steam inhalation can help with sinus headaches, especially if you also have symptoms of congestion.
3. Peppermint Massage Oil for Headache
Before application, all essential oils should be diluted with a carrier oil. 3 to 5 drops of essential oil mixed with an ounce of carrier oil is generally recommended. If you are allergic to nuts, avoid nut-based oils.
Before using any essential oil, it is good to perform an allergy test. With a piece of cotton, apply a little oil on the back of your palm and check if you have any symptom of allergy within 48 hours of applying it. If you have no such symptom, it is safe to use the oil.
Topical applications of the essential oils mixed with carrier oils on the shoulders, chest and neck areas provide considerable relief from headaches that are caused by muscle contractions.
4. Peppermint Diffuse
Diffuse the Peppermint oil into the room’s air with a diffuser or inhale the oil directly. If you find the scent too strong, apply it to a cloth or a piece of cotton and then sniff it. Don’t use incense sticks as the smoke can worsen your problem.
5. Peppermint Tea
Though oral consumption of Peppermint oil(8) should not be done, you can prepare tea with peppermint leaves. According to research, drinking peppermint tea will activate the nerves of the brain and make you more alert.
4. Ginger Oil
Ginger oil is easy to lay hands essential oil for headaches; it treats headaches caused by a migraine. Its stem has a fragrant substance that makes it the right choice while treating headaches.
How to use
- 2 ounces distilled water
- 5 drops ginger oil
- A bowl for heating
- Add 2 ounces of water to a heating bowl
- Heat the water till it is lukewarm
- Turn off the heat
- Add 5 drops of ginger oil to it
- Mix well
Drink this solution. You can also add grated ginger to your boiling tea.
How many times? : You can drink this solution 2 to 3 times a day.
Ginger oil also helps in reducing nausea and vomiting caused due to a headache caused by migraine. An upset stomach may also be a symptom of a migraine. Ginger oil also cures an upset stomach which consecutively reduces the chance of migraine headaches.
5. Jasmine Essential oil
Jasmine oil helps stimulate mood and reduces tension and depression. The oil is proven to make your mood vigorous and alert. Jasmine oil has elements which boost up your energy by providing a soothing effect.
How to use
Jasmine oil works best when used in an oil diffuser at your home or your workplace
You can also include jasmine oil in your aromatherapy sessions.
A few helpful precautionary measures for preventing attacks of headaches include-
- Stay away from negativity and stress.
- Avoid overexposure to computer and/or television.
- Keep calm as far as possible and stay positive.
- Eat healthy food and stay away from junk.
- Sleep for eight hours daily.
- Take a bath every day in lukewarm water
- Avoid skipping meals and take meals on time, all the three times (Include greens).
- Listen to music, read a book and indulge in such activities for an hour or so every day that helps to relax your brain.
- Go for early morning walks and evening walks as it helps to cut down on stress.
- Take deep breaths when you go on a walk.
- Live a healthy life.
All the Essential oils, foods, Natural and Home remedies suggested in this article are excellent for treating headaches. They are also suitable natural methods to treat symptoms of this condition. They have almost no side effects and can be used for extended periods. Therefore, if you’re suffering from any kind of headaches, do try the remedies mentioned above. But remember to follow the precautions while using essential oils for treating headaches.
1. How Long Do Headaches Last?
Usually, the tension headache, which is the most common one, lasts between 2 to 4 hours. But, some people have these headaches for longer periods of time, sometimes even days. Headaches are one of the major causes of anxiety and stress.
2. What Do I Do If My Sleep Is Affected by My Headache?
If you have had consistent sleep issues because of a headache, the first thing you have to do is to stop taking a nap during the daytime. Keep away from caffeine, alcohol and heavy meals before going to bed. Maintain consistent time going to bed every day.